Clean air is a win for everyone.

Healthy air standards for heaters and water heaters would deliver the greatest emissions reductions of any air quality regulation South Coast AQMD has issued in three decades.

17+ million people breathe some of America's most polluted air in the South Coast Air Basin.

But a healthier future is within reach: The South Coast Air Quality Management District can achieve the biggest air quality victory in 30 years by passing standards to upgrade homes and businesses to efficient, pollution-free technologies for heating and hot water.

The Scale of the Problem

Methane gas-burning equipment in the South Coast Air Basin generates:

  • Seven times more NOx pollution than the region’s power plants.

  • More NOx pollution than regional oil and gas production, refining, cement manufacturing, and power generation combined.

  • $2 billion each year in health impacts like lost school days, asthma attacks, and premature death.